Wednesday, September 22, 2010


well that title wasn't what i expected. i am very distraught. The thought that a bunch of mad hatter tea partiers are taking over the us has got me on edge, and do you want to know why? the reason why is that these extremists are so ignorant that they think complete constitution-ism is the way that our government will give us freedom. What is freedom? it is an abstract idea that we use to describe our feelings of free will and choice. So if these loud mouthed crazies are going to run our already corrupt government than i am going to Germany.

once upon there was a rock on top of a hill. the rock really wanted to get to the bottom of the hill. So he asked a hare jumping by, " EXCUSE ME HARE!! PLEASE KICK MY BUTT SO I CAN REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL." So the hare gave him a kick and the rock went flying down a hill. At the bottom of the hill the rock did not stop he kept going and going and going until WHAM!! the rock landed on top of a hill. The rock really wanted to go to the bottom of the hill. So he asked a hare jumping by, " EXCUSE ME HARE!! PLEASE KICK MY BUTT SO I CAN REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL." So the hare gave him a kick and the rock went flying down a hill. At the bottom of the hill the rock did not stop he kept going and going and going until WHAM!! the rock landed on top of a hill. The rock really wanted to go to the bottom of the hill. So he asked a hare jumping by, " EXCUSE ME HARE!! PLEASE KICK MY BUTT SO I CAN REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL." So the hare gave him a kick and the rock went flying down a hill. At the bottom of the hill the rock did not stop he kept going and going and going until WHAM!! the rock landed on top of a hill. The rock really wanted to go to the bottom of the hill....
a kick in the butt can send things spiraling into a never ending vortex of repeated motions.

I would like to say that if you are reading this right now i want you to take a moment and say a prayer for a good friend of mines dad who just had major surgery, and is having a rough time. so please take a moment of silence and say a little prayer, so that he can get better.

Well this is it, This is the life. and this blog has been written for my friend, and the rough times she is having.
Well Later Gator.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Run Run As Fast As You Can, You Can Probably Stop Me Cause I don't Give a Damn.

so i ran a race today. ya it was crap. i can't understand who would actually want to run for fun. IT WAS HELL. not to mention, school buses are not ideal beds. I tried to sleep WHAM!! the bus hits a bump. well the ZZZZZ's that i started to make in my head quickly turned into HOLY SHIT WHAT WAS THAT. Those bumps are like bombs going up underneath the bus. HA! now i know how the people in IRAQ feel. *side story* so a man was walking down the street when he stepped on a rock and a muffin on the ground said" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON MY ROCK" and the man picked up the muffin and ate it. *MORAL* don't leave food lying around were other people can get it. Here is a quick bit of news. i am the cat. i mean the mascot. well that just goes to show, that when you bake cookies on open flames then the cookie is bound to get burned. think about it.
any questions ask, for i think i want to be dr phil when i grow up. this is it, this is the life. and that is the way the cookie crumbles.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

well today was the first day of school....Wahooo!! oh well. So school is completely insane this year. If i was in English and i have to walk down four flights of stairs and back up instead of taking the a walk around the top floor. The school thinks this will keep the little folks from the tyranny of high schoolers. Wow. that hurts. i mean the worst that could happen is... well it is not like we would sell them cocaine. So i am going to focus on the topic of ignorance to day. The reason is that one day at cross country an certain person was making stupid ignorant comments about the Islamic center being built near ground zero..
i know my thoughts are jumping but i just ate a whole ton of cocoa puffs and i am pretty wired. i would like to apologize to my sisters boyfriend and my sister. i was just really peeved about you stealing my sister from me all of the time.

any who. i have problems with Katy Perry. First off we all know that you slept with snoop dog to get him in your video. and what is the deal with your eyes they are like vortexes that hypnotize your mind and tell you to buy your music. GAHH! oh well


people are all ways saying how bad they feel for new students. But hear me out, i feel that they should be feeling bad for us. One time we had a girl at our school (who was new) and she had rather extravagant clothing, and views on life. There were so many awkward silences that occurred while she was here..... oh well.

Well band should be interesting this year, considering that the only two people who could stand up to the insanity of or director.
Well my time limit is about to go out so i must depart. This IS it this Is the Life.... well that is if you love school. But more to come on that subject...Well tschuss!! -